Sacramento functional medicine experts at Sacramento Functional Medicine offer fully comprehensive, non-invasive, and natural Bioidentical Hormone Therapy to Placer County women to help reach their body composition goals.

Weight loss seems simple: eat well, hydrate, get your steps in, maybe weight train or hit a fitness class three or four times a week, sleep… and yet, somehow, we still find ourselves scouring the internet for answers. Our google histories begin telling the story of our deepest insecurities with searches like: “how to loose belly fat”, and “visceral fat”, “burn belly fat fast”, and “belly fat exercises”.

The truth is, keto and atkins diets, weight loss pills, and surgeries can be painful, restrictive, and cause health complications and further risks. And, they are only targeting the symptom of your dismay, instead of actually going after the underlying cause of your stubborn fat deposits: imbalanced hormones. Bioidentical hormone experts at Sacramento Functional Medicine offer weight loss expertise and understand your concerns and is determined to help you cut through the false promises–and fat. Sacramento Functional Medicine takes away the guesswork and creates fully customized and comprehensive functional medicine plans for safe and natural treatment that helps rid Sacramento women of their problem areas as well as other hormonal symptoms to optimize their total sustainable mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

Call Sacramento functional medicine expert, Sacramento Functional Medicine at (916) 252-3228 to schedule your bioidentical hormone replacement consultation today!

Hormones That Influence Weight Gain And Retention

It can be despairing to discover that weight loss isn’t always as straightforward as working out and eating well, but knowing and addressing the hormones at play can change your life forever. The hormones that are impacting your weight include:

Different forms of estrogen contribute to metabolism, maintaining cholesterol levels, improving bone health, and balancing our mood. Estrogen also acts to retain salt and water leading up to a menstrual cycle.

Women with decreased levels of estrogen (such as during menopause) often find that they gain weight in their thighs and hips. Many times, their mood drops as well, discouraging them from going to the gym, and causing them to lose lean muscle mass.

Progesterone helps to balance insulin sensitivities, maintain metabolism and thyroid hormones, and our libido. Levels increase when your body is preparing to mensurate to balance our estrogen–preventing increased swelling. It is also an appetite stimulus, preventing you from undereating when estrogen levels ramp up for the possibility of pregnancy.

When estrogen and progesterone become scarce, the male sex hormone, testosterone comes to the forefront. While testosterone is effective for growth and maintenance of muscle mass and metabolism, as well as endurance and stamina, too much can lead to insulin-resistance and the dreaded abdominal fat buildup.

When you ingest sugar, your body has two options: use it for energy or keep it as fat. Insulin is the hormone that dictates how the glucose (sugar) is going to be utilized. Consuming too much sugar can wear out your pancreas, causing it to over-produce insulin and causing you to develop insulin resistance. Now that your body isn’t being told how to effectively remove glucose from the blood, it starts to store it as excess fat. This leads to prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and, of course, fat gain.

Leptin is your checks and balances hormone between food consumed and energy used. Healthy levels of leptin release themselves during the day to quell the hunger pangs that might cause you to overeat. Unfortunately, as you lose weight, the fat tissue that stores leptin depletes, causing you to feel hungrier. Sadly this means that if you’re in the middle of a weight loss spree, your appetite can spike, causing you to undo the hard work you’ve put in.

Ghrelin is the hunger hormone, which basically provides the opposite effect of leptin. Produced in your gut, ghrelin travels through your blood stream to tell your brain it’s time to eat. Human bodies really don’t like to starve, but we can get so caught up in our goings-on that we can forget to eat, which is where ghrelin comes in to save the day.

However, ghrelin can increase when we diet, gain fat weight, or get poor sleep. When our other hormones begin to fluctuate, ghrelin can skyrocket, leading to emotional or binge eating.

Thyroid dysfunction has become more well known in the past decade. Many people have heard of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. As your thyroid creates and releases hormones that regulate your metabolism and contribute to your general body-mass index, it is a gland that when imbalanced, can cause major damage.

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid, releasing fewer hormones and generally the culprit of the two when it comes to gaining or holding onto unwanted weight. Healing thyroid malfunction can be an excellent first step to your weight loss goals.

Believe it or not, cortisol is an extremely useful steroid hormone that helps to regulate metabolism, inflammatory responses, salt and water balance, blood pressure, muscle mass, cognitive functions, diurnal rhythm, and more. When we aren’t getting enough sleep, or we’re stressed out, our body releases cortisol in an attempt to regulate and push us into fight or flight. This can cause increased appetite and cravings for salty and sugary foods, as well as cause us to become fatigued or depressed. These can lead to weight gain and retention, and prevent you from seeing that release of stubborn fat that you long for.

Adequate amounts of restful sleep is the best thing you can do for your health. Having a balanced level of melatonin can work wonders on appetite control and suppressing cravings, body and muscle recovery, retaining lean muscle mass, reducing stress, improving focus, and more.

If you are melatonin deficient, you may discover salt and sugar cravings, mid-day fatigue, more difficulty in the gym, irrational moods, and general lower levels of functioning. All of these factors can hinder your weight loss efforts, even causing weight gain.

Sacramento Weight Loss Resistance Treatment

Step Into a Healthier You.

Call (916) 252-3228 today to speak with Sacramento Functional Medicine and get ready to conquer your weight loss goals!