Sacramento Functional Medicine utilizes natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to bring Sacramento women into balance and helping them to find peace.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome plagues many reproductive aged women and can often cause debilitating symptoms that disrupt a woman’s life for close to half of a month. The week before a woman’s period her estrogen and progesterone levels may become imbalanced, and these symptoms can interfere with work, relationships, and social habits. Once the menstrual period finally does begin, women may continue to feel poorly due to a whole other set of painful symptoms that arise during the actual menstrual cycle. Being uncomfortable or in pain for close to two weeks out of every month is challenging for anyone, and when you must also manage family, work, or social obligations, it simply isn’t reasonable.

Hormone experts at Sacramento Functional Medicine offer women expertise in the cutting-edge technologies that have helped many others overcome the symptoms and pains of pre-menstrual syndrome. Our comprehensive hormonal health program aims to restore balance and avoid dealing with severe symptoms before their periods. By helping women to improve their diets, reduce stress, and balance their hormones, we reduce several painful symptoms that can interfere with everyday life. Sacramento Functional Medicine takes the time to listen to women’s concerns and provides safe and natural therapies that can truly help them to improve their health and achieve a greater quality of life.

Call (916) 252-3228 to speak with Sacramento Functional Medicine to schedule your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy consultation today!

Symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

Some of the most common symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome include:

Bloating is caused by the retention of salt and water that occurs when estrogen and progesterone levels change. The dreaded discomfort of the bloated belly has been the boogeyman of PMS symptoms since women’s discovery of their own reflection. Not only is it physically uncomfortable, but visual sensation of bloat can lead to a great deal of emotional distress, as if a menstrual woman doesn’t have enough on her plate.

As hormones fluctuate, serotonin and other neurotransmitters in your body become impacted, and as these hormones drop, your blood constricts and BAM! Migraine. If you’ve ever been laid flat for a day, wishing to get out of your own head but unable to think of anything else, then you may benefit from balancing your hormones.  

Hormones plummet and our energy levels seem to drop with them. This fatigue can keep us in a vicious cycle of brain fog with a low mood, untypical food cravings, and easily socially exhausted. Being so drained can make us feel unable to maintain our healthy and active lifestyle choices, but if we boost the hormones, we boost our energy and get back to doing what we love without the monthly dip.   

Struck by all of the compounding symptoms of PMS, it is no wonder that women take an emotional plunge along with their energy and joy. PMS can leave you tired, cranky, hungry, with a headache, and in physical pain, and the feel-good hormones ducking out is an emotional last straw. Balance your hormones and let us help you defeat the depression.  

Once a month we say goodbye to our natural ability to produce serotonin, the feel-good hormone that is released when we ingest starchy goodness. The less we can produce for ourselves, the more we crave it from external sources. It makes sense, even though it doesn’t make it easier. If you’re having trouble conquering your cravings, it’s a great time to look at restoring your natural serotonin stores.  

Hormone levels drop, we begin to crave the sweet and the salty, we are too exhausted to work up a sweat and too depressed to care. It’s okay, it’s natural, but now we’re experiencing all of this and the scale’s gone up, which is a hit to our self-image and body-confidence. But you can beat it with help, if we restore your hormones, we restore your body’s ability to work through those monthly setbacks. 

Swelling of the body with the dropping hormones also occurs in our breasts, leaving our chest feeling heavy, sagging, and tender to painful. If hormone levels are restored to a balanced state, the inflammation of the breasts may go down, leaving you feeling more comfortable and happier to get those sports bras on in the morning!   

With all the other symptoms of PMS, plus the general fact that menstruation is a monthly given for most of us, it is reasonable and expected to feel a little upset. However, if your dropping hormones are leaving you constantly wishing you had a plate to throw at the next person who asks if it’s your time, you may benefit from a hormone balancing program.  

Headaches, fatigue, weight gain, depression, and bleeding for days at a time simply isn’t enough, we must also deal with cramps. Have your hormones dropped suddenly and now you’ve found yourself keeled over next to the frozen peas in your local market, trying to decide if you should leave or grab a bag to hold to your tummy? We get that, which is why we help boost your hormones so you can say goodbye to the monthly feeling of being socked in the gut.   

Think of all of your PMS symptoms, is it any wonder that between cravings, migraines, cramps, and hyper-focusing on the daily irritations you are suddenly also unable to sleep? When our hormones decline, we can find it difficult to manage enough calm to even sleep it off–which makes the next day somehow worse. With balance, we can improve your sleep cycle and have you up and ready to tackle the challenges of the next day.  

Sacramento PMS Treatment

Don’t Wait for PMS to Happen, Do Something About It!

Call (916) 252-3228 to speak with Sacramento Functional Medicine and learn more about safe and non-invasive therapies to help you conquer your pre-menstrual syndrome.